Welcome to YLEARN

YLEARN brings ideas and knowledge to life, transforming data and printed words into engaging learning materials that will make a difference for learners in your organization. It's not about the technology, although the technology can be cool and might add a lot to the experience. It is really all about the learner, and about making the organization tick.

Return on investment

How do you measure return on investment with your people? You've spent money to hire, to take them through the learning curve, to help them move into new and exciting roles. At each step along the path, it takes attention and care to prepare for the next role, the next level. Custom designed training may be exactly the right thing to provide that injection of inspiration just in time, in order to maximize the potential in each of your employees.

From Canada to the World

With headquarters in Canada, our network of consultants spans the globe, and provides the right expertise to meet your training needs. We use a core team, plus a selection of the best talent in the world.